Sciatica with Lumbago: What's the Difference between Sciatica vs Lumbago

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Sciatica with Lumbago: What's the Difference between Sciatica vs Lumbago

What Is Lumbago with Sciatica? What Causes It?

Lumbago with sciatica is a condition in which people experience pain stemming from their lower back. This issue is more common than what many think, with thousands of people suffering from it. Many people tend to have pain in their lower backs but are not sure whether they have lumbago. This is because pin pointing this problem can be quite challenging. Let us talk about the common causes and signs that can result in lumbago.

Numerous factors can result in lumbago and sciatica problems, some of which include lifting heavy loads regularly, overusing the lower back, bending too much. Spinal arthritis and osteoarthritis can also cause unbearable back pain.

What Is the Difference Between Lumbago and Sciatica?

In sciatica, people experience pain in their leg because of abnormalities in the sciatic nerve. In most cases, the abnormality happens due to the nerve being under too much pressure from a bony overgrowth, herniated disc, or a spur known as osteophyte.

People feel sciatica pain in the posterior area of their legs and their foot’s sole. Generally, people use this term (sciatica) when they experience pain entering their legs from spinal nerves. On the other hand, in lumbago, the function of back muscles becomes quite limited, especially around the lumbar spine. As mentioned earlier, acute lumbago often happens with regular movements such as bending, lifting, getting up etc.

Believe it or not, lumbago is a painful way our bodies use to protect itself in response to tension in the lower back muscles. This safeguards the nerve fibers and spine from injury. So, when a doctor looks at someone with lumbago, they will not find changes in their body’s passive structures like ligaments, discs vertebrae.

It is a major reason why many refer to lumbago as non0specific back pain and it includes around eighty percent of chronic and acute back pain. Categorizing it as non-specific essentially means that there pain does not have any known cause. This is often because traditional diagnostic procedures usually do not show myofascial imbalances, facial adhesions and muscle tightness.

Read More: How Long Does Sciatica Last? Acute vs. Chronic Sciatica Pain

Where is Sciatica Pain Located?

Pain coming from the lumbar spine, traveling towards the buttock and the leg’s back is a telltale sign of sciatica. When sciatica pain is unbearable, you may feel discomfort everywhere in your nerve pathway and it is highly likely to be present in your buttock, lower back, calf and thigh area. When sciatica pain gets worse, people often feel excruciating pain or burning sensation. In some cases, it can also feel like an electric shock or jolt. More often than not, people feel pain on one side of their body more than the other.

sciatica nerve pain located

You may be asking yourself “how many sciatic nerves are there?” Well, there are two sciatic nerves on the left and right side of your body. Generally, symptoms of sciatica show up only on one side. If you experience pain in both your legs, there is a high chance that a punched sciatic nerve caused it.

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What Does Lumbago with Sciatica on the Right Side Mean?

As mentioned earlier, lumbago with sciatica impacts only side of your body. If the pain is on the right side, the pain often extends for your lower back to your leg and everything in between. In some cases, people even experience pain in their toes or foot.

Seek a doctor’s help if you notice the things mentioned below:

• Loss of bladder or bowel control

• Serious pain

• Back and fever pain

• Weakness or numbness in the legs, upper thighs, bottom or pelvis

Symptoms of Lumbago with Sciatica on Left Side

When sciatica pain becomes unbearable, you may experience irritation on unbearable pain on the left side of your body. This usually happens because of over stretched muscle or tendons or tears. Strains and sprains usually occur when you lift or twist something without proper form. Symptoms of injuries like these include back spasms, difficulty moving and swelling, especially on the left side.

How Long Does Lumbago with Sciatica Last?

Generally, acute sciatica pain takes about two weeks to resolve properly. In certain cases, home remedies and certain behavioral modifications can help relieve sciatica pain. That said, some patients develop chronic pain, which can become a problem for years. When sciatica pain gets worse and you start losing control of your bladder or bowels, consider seeking a professional’s help to steer clear from further damage.

5 Best Treatments for Lumbago with Sciatica

Exercising can feel quite unnatural when you have lumbago with sciatica pain. However, too much rest can potentially aggravate your leg and back symptoms. It would be best to incorporate light exercises into your routine to treat sciatica. Of course, if you have chronic pain due to a bulging disk or bone overgrowth, surgery may be the only option.

#1. Stretching

Gentle and light stretching is a fantastic way to improve range of motion and spinal flexibility. It can also help you develop spinal and core strength. Most of the stretching movements are quite simple and can be done almost anywhere.

#2. Using a Heating Pad or Ice Pack

Alternating ice and heat therapy can offer people immediate relief from lumbago or sciatic nerve pain. Applying heat on the affected area can improve blood flow while applying ice can minimize inflammation. Consider applying both for 15 to 20 minutes in different intervals throughout the day.

Read More: Sciatica Ice Packs - How to Get Pain Relief Fast

#3. Work on Your Posture

Believe it or not, merely adjusting your posture can greatly reduce sciatic pain. Whether you are relaxing or working, staying in the same position for extended periods is usually when sciatica pain gets worse. Make sure you maintain the right postures to ensure you can eventually get rid of lumbago with sciatica pain.

#4. Medicines Could Help

Sometimes, when sciatica pain is unbearable, the only thing to offer you relief could be the right medicine. Avoid self-prescribing and ask your doctor for advice. They will look at your symptoms and medicine history to prescribe you the right medicine and dosage, which could reduce sciatic pain.

#5. You May Need Surgery

When nothing works and your chronic sciatica pain becomes unbearable, the only way forward is to get the affected area operated. Make sure you make regular visits to your doctor to ensure they are updated about your condition and can suggest the right surgery. Usually, experts recommend a microdisectomy, in which surgeons scrape off a small portion of your bulging disc to reduce or eliminate discomfort.

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